Sasha Milivoyev - The pain of the world; Saša Milivojev - Svetski bol; Саша Миливојев - Светски бол; ساشا ميليفويف - الوجع العالمي

Saša Milivojev - THE PAIN OF THE WORLD, published 2024. ISBN 978-86-914737-1-6 The book "The pain of the world" by Sasha Milivoyev is a poetic masterpiece that delves into the essence of human suffering and trauma worldwide. Through verses in English, Serbian and Arabic, Milivoyev explores not only the pain of individuals but also the collective suffering of humanity. His poetry is not just a reflection of reality but also a catalyst for change – a call for empathy, understanding, and action in creating a better world. Through this collection, Milivoyev reminds us of our common humanity and responsibility towards all who suffer, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and solidarity as a path to true understanding and healing. Knjiga „Svetski bol“ autora Saše Milivojeva je poetsko remek-delo koje nas uvlači u suštinu ljudske patnje i traume širom sveta. Kroz stihove na srpskom, arapskom i engleskom jeziku, Milivojev istražuje ne samo bol pojedinca, već i kolektivnu patnju čove...