Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Sasha Milivoyev BLACK STONE Mecca, Saudi Arabia Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska By the Black Stone Sinful, on my knees, with tears in my eyes, I'm pleading, begging for forgiveness, when blood-red turned the skies, the stone grew darker, blacker than night, and it used to be white, as luminous as the daylight, when from the Garden above, it fell many a warm Mays ago, when it fell from Jannah, far, far down below, it was whiter than milk and whiter than snow, blackened from within, from human malice and sin. Never let it slip away, the dushman came from far away, tried bringing Kaaba to its knees, killing Muslims, the desert still bleeds, covered in corpses, devoured by rodents and beasts. The Judgement Days are dawning soon. The Sun will stop, merge with the Moon, Into the particles the hills will be shattered, spill like the honey that is melted, Allah will be a righteous judge to everyone, To the fires of hell, the monsters w...