
Showing posts with the label Sasha Milivoyev

Poznata glumica o poeziji Saše Milivojeva

Saša Milivojev - SVETSKI BOL Poznata glumica o poeziji Saše Milivojeva Saša Milivojev, pesnik - u zapanjujućem je raskoraku između svog anđoskog izgleda, neosporno vanzemaljske lepote, koja je u ovom svetu ružnih i duhom i telom, u kome su na ceni karakterne rugobe, i u kome ste ako plenite lepotom trn u oku mediokritetima, jer dalje od vaše lepote nisu u stanju da proniknu blokirani mržnjom, dakle u raskoraku sa svojim neospornim intelektom i senzibilitetom, i sposobnošću da sagleda svu surovost ovog sveta. Hrabro piše svoje pesme koje cepaju najpre njegovu dušu, a onda duše mislenih i nemoćnih da išta promene, jer su svakako manjina, u stalnoj opasnosti od zla koje preti da ih proždere. Ove pesme iz pera jedne čiste i hrabre duše, koja ne želi da se pomiiri sa nepravdama, pronikle su direkno iz dubine bola i nemoći da se išta promeni, ali njihova iskonska vrednost sazdana je u jednoj rečenici Alberta Ajnštajna, koja glasi: „Svetu ne preti opasnost od ljudi koji čine zlo, nego od oni...

Professor PhD Mila Alečković about the poetry of Saša Milivojev

Professor PhD Mila Alečković Professor PhD Mila Alečković about the poetry of Saša Milivojev Had it not been for a fact that I myself am a child of a poet, I may have failed to perceive the talent of a young man who lives faraway from his hometown, yet not far from his ancient archetype. Was Sasha Milivoyev born a poet, or is this what he had become, out of what breadth bears in its trail, that sharpens the senses and adds up all the sufferings, regardless. Milivoyev is simply a poet in the melancholy backdrop of the maker, who is sheltered and strengthened by his verses. Milivoyev knows that with poetry one transcends to timelessness, to infinity, to imortality and namelessness in which we become the twins and transmitters of Chist's words, hence in his "Message After death" he says: And I have died, in antiquity, and noone ached for me. Some rejoiced, young as I was, as I bled on the cross, drenched in blood, in agony. Not a single tear rolled down for me, when they na...


Profesor emeritus dr Rade Božović PROFESOR EMERITUS  DR RADE BOŽOVIĆ  O STIHOVIMA  „SVETSKOG BOLA“  SAŠE MILIVOJEVA Produženi i opominjući jecaj Saše Milivojeva nas uvek iznova tera na to da brižno razmišljamo o svetu u kome živimo. Ali svet je za pravog literatu previše malen, mora se planetrano ophoditi prema njemu. Ovi Sašini stihovi ne izlaze iz Panove frule, oni jecaju iz Rumijevog naja, vrsti itočnjačke svirale. Oni kao da nam ponovo govore opasnu uznemiravujuću Rumijevu, islamskog filosofa i pesnika, stih rečenicu: „Ne sedaj pod drvo sa onim koji te ne razume, sedaj samo s onima koji te poznaju i razumeju“. Sedaj samo pod voćke u punom cvatu, od sad.  Saša moj, teško je u ovim suvim, pustošnim vremenima biti pesnik. To je kao penjati se uz axis mundi , uz nevidljivi nebeski stub koji nema kraja. Nebo je visoko, a zemlja tvrda. Lako je popeti se uz drvenu banderu - tu su uzengije. Ali vredi, i može se, popeti uz pomoć univerzalnih misli i žestokih reči. Zn...


PROF. DR MILA ALEČKOVIĆ PROF. DR MILA ALEČKOVIĆ  O POEZIJI SAŠE MILIVOJEVA Da nisam i sama pesničko dete verovatno ne bih uočila talenat mladog čoveka koji živi daleko od svog rodnog grada, ali ne i od drevnog psihološkog arhetipa. Da li je Saša Milivojev pesnik od rođenja ili je to postao u daljini, uz ono što daljina sa sobom nosi kada se izoštre sva čula i saberu sve patnje, svejedno je. Milivojev je prosto pesnik u melanholičnoj pozadini stvaraoca koga čuvaju i jačaju njegovi stihovi. Milivojev zna da poezija odvodi u bezvremerje, u beskraj, u besmrtnost i bezimenost u kome smo dvojnici i provodnici Hristovih reči i zato u svojoj „Poruci posle smrti“ kaže: I ja sam umro, davno, a niko me nije žalio. Neko je slavio, dok sam mlad u krvi do kolena, na krstu u mukama, krvario. Niko za mnom nije zaplakao, kad su mi ekserima kosti o tisu zakivali, dželati su pevali, a ja se slatko smešio. U tom kratkom životu, u tom paklenom kotlu, u zarđalim raljama prosio sam ljubav pesmama, uzalu...


PROFESSOR EMERITUS PHD RADE BOŽOVIĆ Professor emeritus PhD Rade Božović about the verses  of Saša Milivojev's "Pain of the world" A prolonged and warning cry of Saša Milivojev is always and anew prompting us to carefully contemplate the world we are living in. Alas, the world is far too small for a true literate and must be treated planetarly. However, these verses of Saša are not sent forth from Pan's flute, they are wailing from Rumi's Nay, a type of Middle-Eastern flute. And it seems as if, they are once again embodying the warning and worrying words of Rumi "Don't sit under a tree with those that do not understand you, sit only with those who know and understand you. Sit only under a tree that is full of blossoms", from now on.  My Saša, it is hard being a poet in these times, dry and wasted. It is as hard as ascending the Axis mundi , the never-ending, invisible, heavenly pillar. The heavens are soaring and the earth is unyielding. A timber po...

Famous actress about the poetry of Saša Milivojev

Saša Milivojev - THE PAIN OF THE WORLD Famous actress  about the poetry of Saša Milivojev Saša Milivojev, the poet, in the bewildering shism between his angelic appearance, the undeniably other-worldly allure, that is in this world of the unsightly in both body and soul, where characteristic ugliness is praised, and where beauty is a thorn in the eye, where hate is obstructing one from seeing deeper than the beautiful surface, hence, in a shism with his unquestionable intellect and sensibility, and the aptness to comprehend the ruthlessness of this world in its entirety. Bravely writing his verses, tearing above all, his own soul, and then the souls of those thoughtful and powerless to change anything, being undoubtedly a minority, in the face of a constant danger of evil that is threatening to devour them. These songs from the quill of the pure and valiant soul, that wishes not to accept the injustice, arose directly from the depths of pain and powerlessness to change anything, s...

Саша Миливоев - КОРОНА - пандемия

Саша Миливоев Саша Миливоев КОРОНА Кровожадная старуха, что вы видите, Таракан из сатанинского “Кризисного комитета” Долго она грабила, детей хватала, ела, убивала, Их кровь пила, да силы восстанавливала Сдирала кожу с них она,  крепила к собственному лику, Короной звалась старая карга, Была она безумной и двуликой. Как стало лишь известно про злодеяния её, Так сразу самолёты все взлетели ввысь , Намеренно, конкретно пытаясь всех убить, На Землю яды распыляя, Чтобы все мы умирали. Они держали всех нас взаперти В намордниках с цепями, висячими замками Браслеты на лодыжки надевали, Под домашним арестом содержали, Ложными анализами оболгали, Людей всех по рецептам грабили, Всех в заражении обвиняя И нужные лекарства запрещая, Безумные негодяи,  нам в свежем воздухе отказывали, На нашей свободе границы ставили. Когда они “смягчили” свои “меры”, Все лагери уж были переполнены Убийства массовые, сжигания жертв живых И разграбления органов  (сердец, печёнок, почек) их Под видом...


Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Sasha Milivoyev BLACK STONE Mecca, Saudi Arabia Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska By the Black Stone Sinful, on my knees,  with tears in my eyes, I'm pleading,  begging for forgiveness, when blood-red turned the skies, the stone grew darker, blacker than night, and it used to be white, as luminous as the daylight, when from the Garden above, it fell many a warm Mays ago, when it fell from Jannah,  far, far down below, it was whiter than milk  and whiter than snow, blackened from within,  from human malice and sin. Never let it slip away, the dushman came from far away, tried bringing Kaaba to its knees, killing Muslims, the desert still bleeds, covered in corpses, devoured by rodents and beasts. The Judgement Days are dawning soon. The Sun will stop, merge with the Moon, Into the particles the hills will be shattered, spill like the honey that is melted, Allah will be a righteous judge to everyone, To the fires of hell, the monsters w...